Bookmarking is a great way to save your favorite website or any web pages that you want to revisit at later time. It would be even better if the bookmark appears on any browsers from any computers isn't it? Even at public computers at the airport and shared computers at the university! Actually you can do that with a Firefox plugin called Xmarks (previously known as Foxmarks). When you are installing Xmarks, it will ask you to create an account if you haven't done so. Once you have an account, your bookmark will be automatically saved and synchronized with your online bookmark. Whenever you want to access your bookmark on another computers, just go here and sign in using the same username and password as the ones that you use to set up the Xmarks account.
Xmarks user interface
You can also install Xmarks on as many computers as you want. Let say you already have Xmarks installed on browser on a PC and you wish to install another Xmarks on your notebook computer. Just install it as you do on PC but don't create a new account this time. Log in using the same username and password. Next you'll be prompted to either (1) merge your bookmark, (2) discard bookmark on the browser and keep bookmark on the server or (3) discard bookmark on the server and keep only bookmark on the browser. Your choice depends on which bookmark you use the most. You can merge the bookmark from the server and on the browser. This way, you will have both bookmarks from the server and the browser. If you choose the second option, you will end up keeping only bookmark from the current Xmarks account. If you choose option 3, you will erase the bookmark that you have on the server and replace it with the new one from the browser of newly installed Xmarks.
Whenever you add a new bookmark, Xmarks will note the change and will prompt you to update the bookmark when you attempt to close the browser. Xmarks was first designed to be a Firefox plugin but now Xmarks users can also use it on IE and Safari.
Whenever you add a new bookmark, Xmarks will note the change and will prompt you to update the bookmark when you attempt to close the browser. Xmarks was first designed to be a Firefox plugin but now Xmarks users can also use it on IE and Safari.
wow..its cool...
u seems know everything about tech..
in wut stream do u study???
thanks..reading business anyway
how do i leave my laptop in perfect condition????
technology died ke?
tak update update dah! someone really killed it ke?
Yeah maybe someone really killed it lol! :D I really want to update but I don't have much time for that anymore I guess
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